
Hiya, I'm Ares (they/them, any pronouns). Welcome to my virtual studio!

As the Internet landscape has become more and more infested with crappy AI-generated 'content', as well as becoming more hostile towards artisans, I have decided to create my very own Neocities website!

I am the type of person who is unable to keep up and post content around countless mainstream social media, as I find the concept of 'keeping up with the algorithm' to be exteremely exhausting and detrimental to the human psyche. Therefore, this website serves as a (hopefully stable) way to archive my artworks and content that I have made over the years without relying on social media platforms. In addition, I am interested in the concept of the "Old Web/Indie Web" movement and aesthetic :D Plus, I now have my very own space in the world wide web XDDDDDD

Some of the pages in this website is currently work in progress (WIP), and some parts of the website may be clunky as I am relearning how to code in HTML & CSS (Last time I hade to code a website is during my time at Pre-University for my IT course). Despite that, I try my best to make sure this website (at least) works for everyone!


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  • [26.08.24] added visitor counter & guestbook
    [26.08.24] aresariborn.neocities.org is ONLINE!

  • > Banners for all pages!
    > Update Digi. Art
    > Update Trad Art
    > Update Uni. projects
    > Update Ares' Projects
    > Custom button for website.

  • Website layout inspired by heckscaper.com
    Tiki Island font by Animal Jam Archives

  • Nyra button! Y2K!!!!!!!! Get Firefox Now! Bookmark this page! Hosted by Neocities! 404

    Pocket Elevator

    ■ [G] lobi
  • main
  • about

  • ■ [L1] galeri
  • digi. art
  • trad. art
  • uni. projects

  • ■ [L2] studio
  • ares' projects

  • ■ [L3A] arkib
  • edenverse archives
  • clumsycapn

  • ■ [L3B] kuil maya
  • //WIP!!!//

  • ARES 2024